People Allow Us To Comment On Their "Am I The Jerk?" Stories

Many people are convinced that a good reputation is far greater than any form of treasure. It's probably not a pleasant life to live if you're wealthy but a lot of people despise you. Here are a few stories from folks who question if they deserve the label "jerk." Continue reading and tell us who you believe to be the true jerk. AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

19 . AITJ For Forcing My Roommate To Buy His Own Toiletries?


"So my (22F) SO (24M) and I live with his lifelong best friend (24M). For context, he is overall an obnoxious heavy drinker and I hated living with him BEFORE all this happened. He never helps restock on things he uses like toilet paper, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc.

Well, recently he’s been having a string of random girls over multiple times a week, sometimes even having them shower here. I’ve asked him if he would be willing to hook up with these girls at their own places because he was loud when hooking up with someone and it’s annoying and he says no 'because he pays rent here.' And I told him okay that’s fine because it’s true, he pays rent.

I then went and took everything that he doesn’t pay for from the bathroom and kitchen. It’s one thing for him to use things and not replace them, but now he’s regularly having guests who are also using the things that my partner and I pay for without replacing them, therefore infringing on my stuff.
I figure that if he can’t be courteous and respectful, then he can buy his own stuff for himself and his guests to use.

My partner thinks I’m being petty but doesn’t necessarily mind and a friend of mine said I’m being mean but I think it’s fair.

So, AITJ?"

Another User Comments:

"NTJ, your partner is right that you are petty but isn't that normal when you are living with an obnoxious roomie? Most of the time when you have a roommate then you at least pay your half of the toiletries especially when you have uninvited people over.

He keeps bringing these girls over so it is understandable that you just remove your stuff. It is not like he paid for it. If he wants his 'guests' to have toiletries he can buy them himself." Introvert_4_Life

Another User Comments:


You’re absolutely doing the right thing.

Paying partial rent doesn’t automatically give him free rein to things that don't belong to him and that he never paid for in said house. If you back down it’ll never stop, this is probably the smartest way to make him get his own and stop taking advantage.

Of course, your SO doesn’t care if they use 2-1 shampoo for their whole body and maybe $4 face wash, he wouldn’t be losing much. Girls' products are SO much more expensive, and you really expect me to believe his one-night stands are cleaning themselves with his cheap crap?

No not at all. I know I sure wouldn’t!" AuraRiver

Another User Comments:

"NTJ. It is very common with bad roommates to have bathroom stuff in a caddy you can take to and from the bathroom, locks on your food cupboards, and a second fridge with locks on it and to even hide your saucepans and plates, etc. It can also be so bad to need locks on closets and room safes.

My son has had some bad experiences with roommates and I've heard so many tales from my kid's friend's experiences in shared accommodation. It can cost a lot to constantly replace products and food. It is not petty it is a survival from people who will not stop taking advantage.

It sounds like your SO is being a doormat." NovelRemarkable7136