People Worry Over Their Controversies In These 'Am I The Jerk?' Stories

Dive into a world of familial disputes, ethical dilemmas, and personal conflicts with our latest collection of gripping stories. From confronting poor hygiene to navigating the complexities of family politics, these tales will have you questioning your own moral compass. Are these individuals justified in their actions or have they crossed a line? Find out as you delve into the world of "Am I The Jerk?" stories. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, surprises, and thought-provoking situations that promise to keep you on the edge of your seat. Brace yourself, it's going to be a wild ride! AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

20 . AITJ For Telling My Brother To Stop Relying On Our Parents For Home Renovations?


"Me (F26) and my husband (M26) found out we were expecting back in August. When we announced the pregnancy to my mom and dad, I asked if before the baby was born, they could perhaps finish/make their bathroom safe for an infant (there is currently a significant amount of black mold in there).

As it turns out, my brother (M24) who still lives with my parents alongside his partner (F23) of 4 years also found out she was expecting in September. My brother who was unprepared for this as they were not trying, freaked out. My mom and dad have been more than happily accommodating them for the last few years and have said they will continue to do so until they can find their own home, even with the baby on the way.

Since they announced their pregnancy, they have moved into my mom and dad's larger bedroom in the extension area of the house, they’ve also requested that my dad finishes the downstairs area of the extension so they can use it as their own separate living room, alongside completing the remaining renovations in the house before their baby arrives.

My brother and his partner are now complaining that progress is not happening fast enough for them and they’re worried the house won’t be ready for their baby when it arrives later this year. They started to threaten they’d move out this month, but instead my brother bought himself a new car and now cannot afford to move out of the family home.

This morning my brother text our family group chat asking for help on how to get our dad to speed up. He told me that because I was the one who mentioned the bathroom needed to be done before my child could visit, that I should speak with my dad about sorting their room and the rest of the house out.

I told him that he needed to grow up and start taking responsibility for himself, that he should be paying my dad or helping financially pay for something that is going to benefit him and his family above all else. That he needs to step up and stop being reckless with funds because he’s going to be a father.

His partner then chimed in and said it wasn’t for them, that it would allow my parents to invite people round and enjoy the renovated space with them.

I called them both entitled and said they didn’t realise how much of a good deal they had, that they needed to get their heads together and help my dad if they wanted these things, rather than just expecting them to happen.

I told them if they weren’t happy then they should move out and find their own space or sit down with my parents to talk out a plan, but my brother responded they didn’t have the funds to do this and that they’d talked to my parents before about it and it had gone nowhere.

I told them that they should leave us out of it, it had nothing to do with us and my mom and dad will see our child as much as they want regardless of whether their house is in a finished state.

He called me a jerk and stopped responding.


Another User Comments:

"NTJ. Sounds like everything you said was absolutely Right On. That's why your brother is upset -- The Truth Hurts!!" wisewoman707

Another User Comments:

"NTJ You aren't your brother's advocate. You don't have to get involved with his BS." KronkLaSworda