People Share The Creepiest Things That Happened To Them While Home Alone

Engin Akyurt

We’ve all been there: home alone! Whether it was the first time your mom let you stay home as a kid or your new adventure in your own apartment, being at home by yourself can be pretty nice. It’s quiet, peaceful, and you can do (and wear) whatever you want. Being home alone means watching whatever you want on TV, listening to music really loud, and simply enjoying yourself in whatever way works for you!

As much fun as that freedom sounds, being home alone can also be creepy because nobody else is there to protect you. Maybe you are the adult and must protect the rest of your family. *Cue the Macaulay Culkin screaming face here.* From creaking floors to hollowing winds, it might get a little too quiet while you are home alone. Heck, it is always the perfect time for a stranger to call or stop by unexpected.

Never had an experience where you’ve been scared out of your wits while being home alone? Or, is it quite the opposite and you’ve had a ton of those? Well, either way, you’re in for a good read. Keep scrolling to learn how NOT alone you are when it comes to getting scared.

Some of these stories are actually kind of spooky whereas others will give you a good laugh! After all, when the setting fits, anything can seem a little creepy, right?

Whether you want a good laugh, or just don’t want that feeling of being the only person to experience something, keep reading for these real-life accounts! However, whatever you do, don’t read these true stories while you are home alone, especially in the dark late at night. Something freaky might happen to you like it did these people.
30. The Stranger Wanted To Meet Her Dad Right Then And There

Flora Westbrook

“My parents started leaving me and my sisters home alone when I was thirteen or fourteen.

Of course, the rule was not to let anyone know we were alone and not to let anyone in the house.

One night, there was a knock at the door. I went to the door and tried to look out, but I couldn’t see. We couldn’t pretend we weren’t there because the lights and TV were on. I opened the front door a crack, thinking that the person would be behind the screen door, but that wasn’t the case. There was a man, late twenties or early thirties, standing in the doorway. I shut the door quickly and told him to get behind the screen door.

He obliged, and I cracked the door (yes, I wasn’t very smart) and latched the screen door.
He told a story about his vehicle breaking down and his need to use a phone. I said I couldn’t see a car, and he indicated it was further down the road. I asked why he walked past the two houses right next door to one with no car in the driveway, and he became agitated.

Here’s a general recollection of the conversation:

Him: ‘Look, are you going to let me use a phone or not?’

Me: ‘No, my dad is sleeping, and I can’t let you go into his room to use the phone.’

Him: ‘Okay, bring the phone out here and I’ll use it.’

Me: ‘I’m not letting you in the house.’

Him: ‘Just bring the phone to the door.’

Me: ‘It won’t reach.

Please leave.’

Him: ‘Okay.’
I shut the door and lock it. While my sisters and I are talking about how scary that was, the side door handle jiggles. He knocks and says, ‘Will it reach to this door?’

At this point, I tell him to go to the neighbor’s house and use their phone. He starts to yell, ‘I bet your dad’s not there! Let me in! I want to talk to him!’

I said, ‘Fine! I’ll go get him.’ I then went into my dad’s room and got his shotgun. I came out, racked it, and said, ‘Here! Meet my dad!’

The guy started cursing and calling me names, but he left, or at least that’s what I thought.

He had actually gone around to another door and tried that one. Our dog, who was outside at the time, began barking at him. He proceeded to do something that made the dog yelp and cry out. I screamed out that I was calling the police, and he finally left.

I felt really stupid for the entire interaction. I don’t know if he was just a guy who needed a phone, but the whole experience was creepy, and I was obviously ill-prepared for dealing with it.” Elizabeth Knight
29. Hey Mommy, Meet This Stranger Standing In Our Living Room


“After separating from my husband, I rented a little house in the country for my 3-year-old son and I (so not home alone, but kind of).

It was the perfect little place for my budget, but it was very secluded. There were no neighbors for miles. The main road connecting two small towns passed in front of the house. Though the road saw very little traffic, I was concerned my son would get out and be hit by a car. I was diligent about latching the screen during the summer to keep my little one in.
One afternoon after playing in the yard I set my son up with the toys in the front room, then went to the back to make dinner. I’d just started boiling water for the pasta when I heard the screen door slam.

I’d forgotten to latch the screen. I turned from the stove calling out to my son; I thought he’d gone outside. The yard was big and I thought I’d be able to scoop him up before he reached the road. I ran out of the kitchen. That’s when I saw my son, standing between me and the stranger in my living room. I was paralyzed. My throat began to close and I didn’t know if I’d be able to speak.

The man was very thin and dirty. He looked as if he’d spent the day under a car or in a ditch.

Every scary hitchhiker movie came to mind as I raced to process what was happening.
My sweet little boy was holding his toy train up to the man as if to offer him a turn with it.

I didn’t know if he was there to take my son, to hurt us, to rob us…I just knew we were alone and even if I could get to my phone and dial 911 it’d take far too long for anyone to get to us.

The man said, ‘I’m not going to hurt you, your son let me in. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’ll leave.’

He walked out.

I grabbed my son and ran to the bathroom, the only room in the house with a door that locked. I held him on my lap and tried to keep my body from shaking.

I said, ‘Honey, remember Mommy said we don’t talk to strangers?’

My sweet little guy said, ‘He wasn’t a stranger, he was at our house!'” Brooklyn Scott
28. An Unwanted Solicitor Came To The Door One Night 


“This was a very traumatic experience for me, and it took me quite some therapy to get back on track.

My family was on vacation and I stayed home so I could do my own thing.

Two friends and I had planned to meet up and bake pancakes, watch a movie, and just have a good time.

We were having fun baking until the doorbell rang. My friend, we’ll call her F, went to open the door and I followed her because it was my house after all. It was a short guy, in a dark blue sweater and grey sweatpants. He said he had a meeting with my dad. Now, I knew this wasn’t right. My dad doesn’t work with guys his age, let alone do they come to our house when my dad is on vacation. I told the guy he must’ve had the wrong address and that he should try the next street.

This is where it starts to get creepy. He insisted I go with him, to show the way. I refused, not wanting to out in the dark with a stranger, whom I already found suspicious. He insisted again and I told him no again and started to close the door. He stuck his foot between the door and stepped inside.

He grabbed my middle, squeezed me and said, “Do you want sex?”

I don’t know where the sudden bravery came from, but I managed to push him outside and close the door. I told my friend to lock it. I started shaking all over, couldn’t even cry.

After I had somewhat calmed down we called the police. They came by and that night I stayed at my other friend’s house, spending the night in blind terror.

After that, I got scared of everything. I couldn’t open the door, answer the phone, or go outside without being afraid of getting attacked, killed or raped. An arm around my middle, something that wasn’t odd for friends to do, would give me a panic attack.

It’s been over two years, but I still feel the panic whilst writing this. Don’t trust strangers.” Anna Molendijk
27. A Man Shot Into My House In The Middle Of The Night


“I was 12 and I was all alone while my parents went to a super fancy restaurant and weren’t coming back till early morning so they told me to go to bed early.

(They came at 2:30 am.)

It was around 10:30 pm and I was watching a movie with three huge bowls of popcorn. I had my iPad 4 and was watching video games as that was the thing YouTube was about. All of a sudden I hear something I can really only describe as “BANGBANG BANGBANGBANGBANG” and then shattered glass.
Now, I live in Canada so guns are nonexistent here, I had no idea what that was so I looked out the window and lo’ and behold I see a man and a pistol (light on the streets helped me see, it’s right next to my house and it sucks because light always comes in at night).

There was nobody else around so I had no idea what or why he was shooting. I called the police and at first, they thought I wasn’t being serious as I was a kid. Our conversation went a little like this:

Police officer: ‘911 what’s your emergency?’

Me: ‘Yes, umm there’s a man with a gun outside.’

Police officer: (10 seconds of silence) ‘Okay we’re sending officers to your location; do you live [location]?’

Me: ‘Uhh yes.’

Police Officer: ‘How old are you?’

Me: ’12.’

Police Officer: ‘And you’re not joking okay, this is serious?’

Me: ‘Yeah.’

He then talked with me and the guy was still on the road, he was on drugs and they arrested him.

My parents weren’t alerted because they left their phones at home so that their night would be silent or something.” Nicolas Rojansky
26. Their New Home Was (Almost) Haunted

“My wife’s story:

We moved into an older home several years ago after spending years in apartments. We moved to a small town where we didn’t really know anyone. We had recently decided to become foster parents and our friends and family had sent us A LOT of stuff to set up our home for kids.

I was working second shift and didn’t get home until around 11:30 pm.
One night, I came home to find my wife sitting on the porch, reading a book, and freezing herself as it was only 30 degrees that evening.

I walked up and asked her what was happening. She said she had been sitting in the living room and she was getting freaked out by the quietness of the house. Right at the time that she was going to head up to bed, she heard a child-like voice say ‘Peek a boo! HAHA! I see you!’ from the back of the house. At that point, she ran outside, sat on the porch, and waited two hours for me to get home.

Upon investigating, I discovered that one of our cats had walked onto a toy that someone had sent us. When we clicked the big red button, we heard ‘Peek a boo! HAHA! I see you!’

After mumbling an embarrassed apology, she headed off to bed.” Chris Garretson
25. Who Needs Enemies When You Have Friends Like This?


“I was 17. My parents were leaving the house one evening around dusk, just as I was headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

I said goodbye as they headed out the door to the garage.

I took a shower and got out. As I did, the lights in the bathroom went out. I put a towel around myself and stepped into the hallway. The lights went out. I stepped into the living room. The lights went out. I stepped into the laundry room. The lights went out.
I opened the door to the garage. The door was down. It was pitch black (no windows in our garage). And then, I heard it. Muffled laughter. More euphoric than sinister. And this was small-town Midwest, so, I was baffled and crept out, but not particularly frightened.

I reached for the light switch. No lights. I hit the button for the garage door opener. Up the door went. There, at the back of the garage, I could now see my two friends, Mike and Todd, who could no longer contain themselves, literally rolling on the floor laughing. They were standing in front of the open breaker box. The shower I just got out of was on the other side of the wall from that breaker box.
What happened was this: Mike and Todd dropped by just as my parents were leaving. My parents, who knew them well, told them to just go in through the garage and put the door down.

They told them that I just headed into the shower, and to have a seat in the living room and wait for me.

What these two jokers did instead was head for the breaker box, where they could hear the water running on the other side of the wall. So, they waited until it shut off. Meanwhile, they would have observed that my father, meticulous and detailed as always, had carefully and clearly labeled all of the circuits. This, combined with the fact that they had been in my house many times, meant that they could reasonably (and quite accurately, it turns out) guess my path through the house.

It just never occurred to them to turn off the circuit for the garage door opener.” Bob Kreisher
24. When One Door Didn’t Work, He Tried The Other


“I wasn’t alone but I was the only one awake and it was after midnight. I was at my dad’s house and I was up while everyone else slept. The front door was unlocked still because we lived in a really quiet neighborhood where you knew all your neighbors. I was walking down the stairs and saw the doorknob in front of me start to juggle and turn.

The door started to open a bit and I jumped down the stairs and threw myself into the door slamming it shut again and locking it before running upstairs to tell my dad who didn’t believe me and told me I was tired and I should go to bed.

The problem was that I had left all the lights on downstairs and the sliding glass door to the back yard was open. If whoever was at the door noticed that they would be able to walk right in. I ended up getting one of my dad’s guns from his gun cabinet and went back downstairs.

When I got there I could still see that someone was trying to open the door. I unlocked the door and swing it open with the shotgun ready to find a scraggly guy with long greasy stringy hair standing on the porch. Asked him what the f*ck he wanted and he took off running.

I locked up the doors and the windows and went back upstairs and went to bed.” CrashDownZer0
23. The Ringtone That Scared The Wits Out Of Me


“I was in like 2nd grade and my mom ran to the store and left her old flip phone at the house. I’m not sure how in the world it happened, but somehow somebody programmed a long ‘heeeeyyyyyy’ as her ringtone. So, In the middle of the quiet day, all you could hear was a faint ‘heeeyyyyy’ all throughout the house. It was creepy as sh*t and I hid until my mom came back.

I immediately told her about it.

She noticed I was fine and nothing else was wrong so she went about her business. Maybe 20 minutes later you started hearing it again. She got scared too but followed it to the upstairs loft where her cell phone was ringing. It was my dad.

Thanks, dad.” Sincerelybrowsing
22. The VCR Came Back To Life And I Don’t Know How


“I was a teenager, I was home alone and I was watching The Ring (Japanese version). That was still VCR times, and I was watching it from the cassette player.

Sadako was squirming out of characters’ television screens. I was both terrified and captivated.

The sun went down without me noticing it. It was twilight and darkness was falling quickly. The red light on the VCR was very bright. The characters were watching the video recording of Sadako and then she would get out of their TVs with her unnatural, sinister movements.

The movie has ended with the premise that Sadako will haunt the viewers too—haunt me. But, I was too smart to believe in such silliness. The VCR was programmed to spit out the cassette and turn itself and the TV off, so it did. The light went off and I sat there alone in near darkness, trying to process the movie.

It was extremely quiet.
Suddenly the VCR light went back on—bright red dot. It startled me. It started making a sound I have never heard before, some kind of low whirling buzz. I jumped on my sofa, terrified, and instinctively pulled up my legs so they wouldn’t touch the floor—the slit under the sofa. I was hugging my knees, frozen with panic, unable to take my eyes away from the black rectangle of the VCR. The entry slot took in the cassette that was sticking out of it. And spit it out again. It kept whirling or buzzing. And swallowed. And spit it back.

Mechanically, like a broken… something.
Or, like Sadako was trying to get out of the VCR.

I was paralyzed with fear. I was cold, and my spine and my stomach were cramping, making me shudder. I would be gasping if I dared to make a sound. It was a primal panic. I was watching the slot intently to not miss the moment when her fingers will slide from it.

The VCR swallowed the cassette one last time. The red light went off. All was quiet again.

I was sitting there in the complete darkness, staring at the VCR, not daring to move. That is how my parents found me a few hours later.” Zoe Kulsariyeva
21. There Was A Random Girl In My House…I Don’t Have A Sister


“So I think I was in sixth or seventh grade when this happened to me but I got really sick and had to stay home all day.

My mom went to work and couldn’t stay home, my brother left for school already, and my dad was at work as well, so I was completely home alone besides my dog.

Being the fat nerd I used to be back then I was probably watching anime or making a fanfiction but I hadn’t watched or read or even thought of anything remotely scary that day. So, I have my headphones on and all of a sudden I hear knocks on the opposite side of the wall next to me which is my brother’s room. So, I get up and have a quick look inside and I don’t see anything.

Just a dark room and a turned on PlayStation 3. I go in and turn it off.
As soon as I step inside the room I feel like something isn’t right and I just quickly rush over to turn off the PlayStation. As I’m shutting it off, I hear the door creak a little and I rush out the room, close the door and head back to my room and back in my bed.

Almost an hour later I hear the same knocking and I don’t pay attention to it this time. Then I hear a little girl’s voice. It sounded like she was whispering through a hole in the wall because it was so clear.

She said: ‘Cielo can you play with me please?’

I don’t have a little sister.” u/XoeXD
20. Everything Was Inverted And I Couldn’t Make Sense Of Anything


“One day, alone in my apartment, I decided to order the delivery service. The ordinary story, right? It was still utterly ordinary as the delivery arrived in the lobby and I rode the lift down to fetch it on the basement floor.

After that, I walked to the lift to return upstairs. To my delight, the lift has already opened and a man was already in the lift, holding the door and waiting for me. I waltzed in with my food bag, smiled at him and tapped my card on the card reader.

It couldn’t work. The man then asked me, ‘What floor?’

‘Fifth floor.’
‘Oh, what a coincidence! I’m on the same floor!’ He tapped his card and pressed the button for the fifth floor as I made a mental note to ask about my broken card at the apartment office. We rode in awkward silence for a few seconds until we heard a ding and the door opened. We walked out.

I felt a very unfamiliar, unsettling sensation, but I couldn’t point out what it was. Trying to shrug it off I walked down the corridor to my unit, taking the usual turns. Turn right once, then turn left until I hit the corner—my unit wasn’t there.

I stood there stunned for a few seconds before I sprinted back to the lift and retraced my steps. But yes the unit wasn’t there. Then I realized something…The entire hallway was inverted!
The usual left is now right and the usual right is now left. That is the reason of my feeling wholly disturbed. This hallway— this world—is a mirror image of my usual world. Still not understanding what happened I backed into a corner and tried to make sense of whatever happened, feeling incredibly terrified and unsettled. What the f*ck am I experiencing…

Yeah guys, so in an utterly anticlimactic conclusion, it was because I was in the wrong tower.

I wasn’t used to the basement floor where I picked up my food, so I took the wrong turn and used the lift for the other tower of my twin apartment towers. That’s why my card didn’t work and that’s why the entire hallway was inverted. But sh*t, before I realized that this might be the case, that was among the most terrifying moments of my life.” Gabriele Kembuan
19. He’d Been Watching Me For Days And I Didn’t Even Know It 


“One night when I was about 12 or 13, my parents were gone for a while and I was just staying up really late (past midnight) on my desktop computer waiting for them to come home.

Like most people, I had been told a million times not to talk to strangers on the internet but about half my friend’s list on MSN were people I had never met before so I was just chatting with a bunch of them.

Out of nowhere, one of my online friends had told me exactly what I had been doing the past hour or two. E.g., what I was eating, drinking, playing with, when I had gotten up last…Things I hadn’t mentioned in the chat.
I instantly got a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. My desktop was set up in front of a big window so as far as I knew, this person I had been talking to (who was supposed to live in a different country than me) had found my address and had been watching me through the window.

Turns out, he had somehow hacked into my webcam (I always left it plugged in even though I had been warned not to when I wasn’t using it) and had been frequently watching me through it whenever he wanted.

It’s been 10 years and I still have all the cameras on my devices covered in thick duct tape.” TheHauntedButterfly
18. I Thought I Had Turned Off All The Lights…


“I was home alone one night in middle school. I was in my room (which is right above our kitchen) watching TV. I had already shut all of the lights off downstairs because I was eventually going to fall asleep and didn’t want to get yelled at for leaving the lights on.

So, I am laying in my bed, the family dog (a Chesapeake Bay retriever) was lying next to me when I hear cabinet doors open and shut. It wasn’t like they all opened at once and then shut but more like one after another for a few seconds. I freeze and look at the dog (who at this point was an old lady) who perked up and looked at me.
I peek out my window that overlooks our driveway and didn’t see anything. Now I didn’t think anyone was in the house because while the dog was lazy af she was a great guard dog and she would have responded if the door opened or whatever.

So after a few seconds, the dog gets up and starts moving towards the stairs and I decide to follow, fully confident that if anyone was down there she would scare them. I grab my softball bat and my cell phone and follow her downstairs. As we come downstairs I notice the lights are on in the kitchen and I dial 911 because I know I shut the lights off prior to going upstairs. When we get in the kitchen all the cabinet doors were open which was obviously not how I left it.
That’s when I notice that the door was still locked so I thought whatever did this was still in the house.

I quickly ran upstairs to my parents’ closet and called my parents and told them what’s up. They came home and obviously didn’t find anyone or any trace of anyone being in the house.

We still do not know why the light was on and cabinet doors were open but we had some other paranormal like occurrence happen around that time so we chalked it up to the household ghost.” workstuff28
17. I Thought It Was The Wrong Number Until He Started Describing My House 


“I was home alone when I was like 9 or 10 (whichever you are in 5th grade). It was literally the second day my mother allowed me to just walk home from school rather than stay at daycare.

Phone rings. A voice on the other end asks for David. I tell them sorry, wrong number. As a weird but relevant aside, we got constant wrong numbers when I was a kid because our home phone line was one digit off from H & R Block (tax prep service), so I had developed a sort of standard cadence to wrong number calls. It almost always went: ‘H & R Block?’ ‘Sorry, wrong number.’ ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ ‘That’s ok!’

So I’m on the line, waiting for him to say ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ Instead, he starts yelling that he needs to speak to David.

He knows David is there. I tell him I have two Uncle David’s, but neither is there. The guy starts cursing and ranting in what, in hindsight, was pretty clearly driven by meth.
So, I’m already pretty spooked, having never really encountered a fully crazy person in my life, and then he starts describing my house. He starts telling me that it’s white with brick pillars on the green porch, red doors, and with a white dog in the backyard. He concludes the call with ‘I know you’re lying, and I’m gonna come get your a**.’

In the next thirty seconds, I rush to get a knife in the kitchen, call my mom, and look frantically out the front of my house.

Then there is a banging/kicking at the door. I screamed at a pitch I didn’t realize I could, and I ran into the bathroom (only locking door) and stayed there until my mom got home. When I heard the garage door open and my mom call out for me, I started sobbing and ran out to her, knife in hand.

When I got older, I found out from my mom that the Uncle David the guy was looking for was a pretty bad drug addict for years, and that’s why I hardly ever saw him. He probably gave someone he owed money to a bad address/number.

Thanks, Uncle David!” Galileo182
16. Sparkling Water Shouldn’t Be Left In The Freezer…


“I was home alone after a dinner with my girlfriend. Around 3 am I hear a very loud BANG. My dog and I get out of bed to scope it out, hoping to find the reason for the noise. We searched for 15-20 minutes and could not find anything.

We go back to bed, and not 10 minutes later. Bang!

This time I am shaking. It sounded like it was coming from the same spot. I spent the rest of night awake, not wanting to move. I found out the next day, girlfriend put two sparkling waters in the freezer to cool them down, forgot about them, left the house and never told me about them.

They exploded. That kept me up all night.” Economy_Cactus
15. They Had A Key To My House And I Didn’t Even Know Them 


“Lived in a condo. In the middle of the night, I woke up to hear someone rattling my front doorknob. No one had keys to my condo except me. Then, the door opened up and I heard someone walking in. I was 100% sure I was being robbed.

Fight or Flight kicked in and I FLEW out of bed and ran toward the front door screaming ‘GET OUT OF HERE!!’ which came out as complete gibberish as I had been sound asleep about 30 seconds prior and now had crazy adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I was literally jumping around in my underwear screaming and waving my arms when it dawned on me that the two guys standing at my front door looked more scared then I have ever seen anyone.

One of the guys held out some keys (his hands were visibly shaking) and said something to the effect of his friend had given him the keys to his place and said he could stay there while he was out of town.
Turns out the friend lived directly above me and these guys went to the wrong floor (the floors were not numbered and neither were the condo units) by mistake.

They didn’t know they were at the wrong door and the keys were the same—I was able to get into his unit with my keys and they could open up my door with their keys.

Needless to say, I was standing outside the hardware store the next day waiting for them to open so I could buy a new lock for my door.” thirteenoclock
14. He Climbed Through My Windows To Shut All The Doors 


“Lived in a second-floor apartment my junior year of college and to save money I opened my balcony doors and windows and kept my A/C off. This particular week my 75-pound dog with a terrifying bark was staying with my boyfriend and I forgot to lock my door (terrible coincidence).

Anyways I woke up in the middle of the night naked in my bed to a man standing in my bedroom. Had no clue what to do!! Couldn’t jump up because I’m naked so instinctively just said ‘YO WTF??’ His response was ‘I came up to shut your doors and windows’ at which point I noticed all were shut. Then he left and I locked my door and cried.” MDYNKY
13. My Dad Foiled This Man’s Attempt To Kidnap Me


“7-year-old me was playing with a doll I had got for my birthday, in the doorway of my apartment on the 3rd floor of a 3-story building.

My dad was outside in the parking lot working on his car as he often did and me playing in the hall was pretty common as I had a friend who lived directly across from me who I was waiting to come home and play with.

It was the 80s so being unsupervised was more acceptable. Suddenly this man I’ve never seen before walked up the stairs and approached me asking where my parents were. I told him my dad’s outside in the parking lot and my mom’s at work. I assumed he was a friend of my sister who was in her 20s as he looked the same age.

He said he couldn’t just leave me alone and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I figured he was just overreacting and going to take me to my dad but he made his way to the opposite door from the parking lot towards a side street where his car was.

Just then my dad turned the corner, as he just happened to have gone over to the other side to secretly smoke a joint, and asked the guy what was going on. The guy put me down and said something about thinking I needed help and took off. My dad being stoned didn’t really react beyond wtf….ok.

Kidnapping attempt foiled. My sister didn’t know him and she was living with a bf in another city.” Future_Bart
12. I Don’t Know Where He Was But He Found Me


“I was house-sitting/babysitting for a new neighbor. She was a single mom from the east coast, moved to Indianapolis. I was a 6th grader. All I had to do was sit in the house and do my math homework while she was on a date. Her 2-year-old baby was sleeping in his crib/room.

Around 9 pm I get a call and answer. It’s some man who only asks: ‘Who are you?’ I say I’m the babysitter.

Then he starts asking all these questions about where the mom is and who I am personally. I get scared and hang up and call the mom and let her know.
The guy calls back and then just starts saying the address I’m at. Then asks if the baby is okay. When I say yes, he says ‘how can you be so sure when he’s that close to a window?’ To which I just go ‘I’M JUST THE BABYSITTER AND I’M TRYING REALLY HARD ON MY MATH HOMEWORK AND NOW I’M SCARED AND I’M ALSO FAILING MATH.’ Basically, a mental breakdown happened.

5 minutes later the mom shows up and explains it’s her ex-husband who found her. She hands me a wad of cash and excuses me. Idk if the guy was in the bushes or calling from Massachusetts or what…it was scary.” Giddyup_88
11. He Peeped In But Didn’t Say A Word


“I was nursing my newborn in the house we had newly built and just moved into. We didn’t have a fence yet, and the back of the house was basically all huge picture windows. I am in the bedroom…topless…when I see a guy come right up to the glass door in the room and peer in!

I screamed and jumped up away.

He didn’t try to get in or anything; I’m not even 100% sure he saw me (he was an older guy). When I told my husband about it, he said it was probably an older contractor from the area who liked to come and walk the new neighborhood to check out the construction and new houses. I know he was innocent, but it scared me to death at the time.” RealHausFrau
10. He Didn’t Have Good Intentions And Even The Horse Felt It 


“Not at home, but at the barn alone. I’m standing there grooming my horse and out of nowhere I feel all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my fight or flight response kicks in.

I turn around and there’s a guy I don’t know standing in the doorway, looking at me with a creepy smirk on his face. He introduces himself as the boyfriend of a woman who keeps her horse at the farm and starts chatting and walking toward me.

My normally very chill horse starts dancing around nervously and moves to position himself between me and the man before the man can get to me. I hopped out of there and literally got on my horse and galloped off into the woods. 100% believe that man had ill intentions.” InversionPerversion
9. What I Thought Was A Ghost Wasn’t Really A Ghost…


“I had been watching a lot of really scary ghost stuff on TV when I was home alone and went to bed thinking about it.

Later in the night I woke up in pitch black and heard a child singing or whistling in the room. I was frozen with cold sweats, ready to start crying. I remembered in the ghost stuff I watched they talked to the ghost and it made it better. I said ‘Whoooooo arrrrre yoooooou?!’ all scary and shaky. My dog snorted and smacked her lips and went back to sleep. She had been snoring and her damn nose was whistling!” shakycam3
8. I Blanked Out And Have No Idea What He Did


“I live with my mom and her boyfriend. They both went to work and wouldn’t be home till 6 am so I had the place all to my self.

I went into my room to watch a movie. I was 5 minutes into the movie when I heard banging coming from the front door. I look out the window that’s next to the door and there stands a man dressed in all black. I run to the kitchen, grab the biggest knife we have, run back to my room and lock the door. A few minutes later, the same banging was coming from the door to my room. I pull the blanket over my head. The banging stopped. I looked up and there stands the man dressed all in black.

I blanked out and when I woke up I had hand marks and bruises all on my arms and back, and my mom still doesn’t know about it.” u/Weeklyaj
7. It Wasn’t An Electrical Problem, It Was A Ghost


“So this was a couple of years ago when I first moved into my current house. I still live with my parents but at the time of this story, no one was home. It was about midnight and I was casually watching YouTube before I went to bed. My bathroom door is faced right in front of my bed and I always keep the door shut cause it bothers me if it isn’t, anyway, I was watching YouTube and all of a sudden I heard a weird soft click.

I didn’t know where it came from till I saw light flood from under the door. I wasn’t too concerned and I just got up, opened the door, shut the light off, shut the door again, and went right back to what I was doing before. Seemed to be an electrical problem and I wasn’t worried or anything. Not even 5 minutes later the light turned back on again.
This time I was a little more concerned and carefully stepped towards the closed door. I slammed the door open and looked around my bathroom even though it isn’t very big, still nothing.

I shut the light off and this time I didn’t close the door but then I realized, this isn’t an electrical problem, the actual light switch was flicked on so it had to be something or someone moving it and so I waited to see who or what was doing it. I watched and waited till about 1:30 in the morning and the light turned on again but this time I could swear I saw a shadow pass by the open doorway. This time I screamed, shut the door and hid under my blankets till my parents got home later that day.

Let’s just say I didn’t get any sleep that night or for the next few days after that. I still can’t explain it and no one believes me.” sav_b
6. There Was A Message On The Window One Night


“Okay, so about a year ago I was home alone at night just sitting on my couch, with my cat and the blinds closed, watching T.V. I then heard a knock on the door. I walk over and look out…nothing. Then it started snowing a little, just enough to cover the ground. The knocking happens again; I look out, not even footprints in the snow.

I look back at my T.V. where I was watching Planet Dolan, and when I look at my back window that faces out into the backyard, I see footprints leading from the window back to my driveway and then I see a man walk up and knock on the window and write: “Hello I’m always watching.” And to this day I no longer stay home alone.” Aloseronreddit
5. There Was Thick Black Smoke But No Fire


“This happened when I was very young (around 8 or 9), typical but I guess trouble likes those who are young.

I used to live in a very old house with a history in the town of being burnt down twice before we moved in 3 years back.

One day I was home by myself with a little cold, while my parents were working and my brother was over at one of his friends’ houses. I remember just flipping through TV shows trying to find some cartoons to watch at like 7 or 8 at night, this was during the wintertime so it was pitch black outside and inside my house, no light besides the TV screen.
I was bored and naturally, I dozed off on the couch. However, I was awoken by this thick God awful smell of something burning. And when I opened my eyes I could’ve sworn I saw black smoke in the air too.

I was in panic mode. From the firefighter demonstrations at my school, I learned to crawl on the floor to prevent inhaling all the smoke. So, I did what the fireman demonstrated and thankfully the front door was very close to the living room as I bumped and knocked over things in the dark trying to scramble for the door.
I threw open the door and ran to my neighbor’s house, banging on their door, screaming that my house was on fire! They (an old married couple) let me inside as the wife called the fire station just down the block. The husband was looking out the window at my house while squinting his eyes.

He didn’t hear any fire alarms blaring nor saw any smoke. However, when asked about it later he did confirm that I smelled like smoke.
The fire trucks came and my parents were called and rushed home. The firefighters went into my house with full equipment on trying to find the supposed fire, even though the smell of smoke was heavy, they couldn’t find any signs of a fire ever breaking out. Nothing was on the stove and all the burners were off; the fire alarms had their batteries in but didn’t go off (they were later checked and they were functioning just fine).

But they did find a black smoke mark on one of the walls in the hallway (wasn’t there before). But in the end, they concluded there was no fire. They were confused too because even from the outside you could smell the distinct odor of something burning. We stayed over at a friend’s house that night and opened some of the windows to get rid of the smell.

My parents at first were mad at me when they rushed home and didn’t see the house in a blaze, but their anger faded when they also smelled the intense burning odor. I really do not know what happened that night, nor does anyone else.

For the next few years we lived there, sometimes one of us would catch a smell of something burning, but then it would just disappear.” Glaxaybunbun
4. A Group Of People Barged In To Rob Me 


Kudos to this 16-year-old who actually stuck around during a robbery and called the police. I’m not sure what I would do if something like this ever happened to me. I’d be scared out of my wits, that’s for sure!

“When I was 16, I was home alone. My 18-year-old sister was working the night shift at 7/11 and my 14 and 12-year-old sisters were at Granny’s for a sleepover.

I heard a knock and decided to open the door. A bunch of people in their late 20s-early 30s walked in, all of them hammered to sh*t. I told them “GET THE F%CK OUT!” and one of them pulled a knife. I hid in the bathroom and called the cops. They ended up getting arrested because these people had done this kind of thing before and they usually robbed the houses they entered.” DukeSR8
3. He Knew I Saw Him, But He Was Still Watching Me


“When I was 13 I was left home alone while my parents went to do some last-minute shopping before the big Fourth of July BBQ the next day.

While I was watching TV and enjoying the AC I heard something loud fall over in the backyard. I got up to check through the window facing directly into the backyard and saw that the large BBQ grill had been moved a good four inches from where it was supposed to be sitting, and the picnic table was knocked on its side.

I didn’t know what could do that so I slunk down from the window and made sure the backdoor to my left was locked before I dared to peer through the window again. As I did I caught sight of some figure lurking in the bushes that lined the back of the property and I freaked out.

I ran back to the living room and grabbed the phone, while also locking the front door, and sent my mom a text about what I saw. Just as I sent the message I heard the knob on the backdoor begin to rattle and I freaked out more.

I got down beside the couch so I couldn’t see any of the windows and heard someone knocking on the front door. I didn’t move and that person knocked again. It was quiet for a few minutes and I decided to go check through the window on the door.
When I pulled back the small curtain I came face to face with someone wearing a creepy white plastic, bunny mask with red lipstick or blood smeared all over its mouth.

I screamed and ran away from the door to hide in the bedroom until my parents came home.
Afterward, I told my mom what happened she called the cops and had them investigate the property but they couldn’t find any trace of the person I saw.

The next day at the BBQ a bunch of people from the neighborhood showed up to celebrate, and I noticed that from the other side of the fence there was a person watching the party from the window of their house.
They locked eyes with me, did the ‘bunny ears’ gesture behind his head and then put a finger to his lips to ‘shush’ me before closing the curtains.

I still have NO idea what the guy was trying to do.” SheWhoLovesToDraw
2. I Wasn’t Maria, But He Was Still Banging On My Glass Door


“When I was about 14 I was home alone watching a movie when somebody was banging on my front door so hard I thought it was going to burst! I quickly ran to my room and looked out the second story window and saw a man in a dirty-looking undershirt and jeans that looked to be covered in drywall or paint. He ran down the street and then came charging back towards my house and started violently banging on the glass in the middle of the front door again, screaming ‘MARIA GIVE ME MY F%$@ING PLAY STATION BACK!!!!’

I quickly called the cops, afraid this insane man was gonna break my door.

When the cops arrived they discovered this strange man high as a kite from huffing cans of spray paint! When my mom came home I told her about the crazy man and she, in turn, gave me a can of pepper spray in case anything like that ever happened again.” BlueEyedAvenger
1. I Don’t Remember What Happened After I Saw That Figure


“My parents were away on a date. I was watching TV in my room when I heard the door open. I went to see if it was my parents. The door was locked so I actually thought it was them. Boy, was I wrong.

When I went downstairs, I saw the front door wide open. My cat (black), Grimsley, was hissing like he was a wild animal, so was my dog (Jemma). They were both facing the hallway while the bathroom door was clearly open. I’m still sure it was closed when my parents left.
I closed the front door like the idiot I am. I went back to my room and grabbed the only weapon I could use—a plastic Halo Energy Sword. I slowly walked to the bathroom, Jemma and Grimsley still freaking out. When I peeked through the doorway, surprised, nobody was in there.

But my pets were still going crazy. While looking at them, the bathroom door was slammed by someone or something. I forced the door back open. When I did, I saw a black figure just standing there, like a basic outline of an average man.

Next thing I knew, I was back watching TV almost like I forgot what happened after that or had a blackout. I obviously shut and locked my door while waiting until my parents came back. They thought I was lying or had a dream. I still have chills about that bathroom, like someone is watching me.” YuriGirl13
Some of the simplest things can seem scary when you are home alone! Be careful because strange things happen every day whether you are a grown adult at home in broad daylight or just a kid trying to sleep at night.

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