
Couple Offers To Help Transport Stranger’s Appliance When It Doesn’t Fit In Their Vehicle

It’s not always easy finding a way to transport a large appliance that you’ve recently purchased, unless, that is, you’re lucky enough to come across good samaritans like the ones in this story.

One Day, the New Yorker Was Out Shopping for a New Barbecue

The Ogdensburg, New York resident went out shopping to find a replacement for their broken propane grill.

After Finding the Perfect Barbecue, They Realized it Was Slightly Too Large to Transport

The shopper came across a beautiful barbecue and, better yet, it was already built, which would make it easy to set up and use once they got it home.

…but one big problem: the customer was with their friend, who drove a Subaru Forester. The trunk of the Forester was just an inch lacking in width, making it impossible to safely transport the too-large, ready-built ‘cue.

Two Random People Arrived Not Long Later and Offered to Transport the Barbecue

The customer was already considering selecting a non-ready-built grill instead so that it could be transported that same day when a couple in a large truck appeared.

“Looks like you can’t fit it in your car. We’ll take it to your house,” they said.

Initially, the Barbecue Buyer Rejected the Offer

Not wanting to trouble the couple and not even knowing, let alone trusting, the random set of strangers, the customer politely declined their offer.

But Then They Accepted

They eventually said yes and allowed the kind couple to transport the barbecue to their home for them. They figured they could repay them back in some kind of way for their generosity.

The Kind Humans Drove the Barbecue 15 Miles to the Stranger’s Home

The couple, who claimed that they had “nothing else to do,” was more than happy to make the trip to the customer’s home, regardless of the fact that it wasn’t a quick five minutes away.

They Refused to Take Any Money for Helping Out

While they most definitely deserved a little something in return, the couple didn’t want to be paid by the customer for their efforts.

“It wouldn’t be a good deed if we took money,” they said.

These Two People are Proof that There is Still Good Out There

The new barbecue owner was touched by their kindness.

“In the midst of vile, vitriolic words and inflammatory actions attacking from all directions, and in this extended isolation, to have this gracious deed received from complete strangers, is a thankful reminder that altruism and goodness is not a lost value in the US,” they said.

Could They Be Guardian Angels?

Whether or not they’re guardian angels, we know for a fact that they’re genuinely good people.

Have you ever received a similar act of kindness?

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