Therapy Dog Comforts Busy Firefighters Fighting Off California Wildfires

Firefighters have a tough enough job as is. Add California wildfires into the mix, and the job of a firefighter is several times more physically and mentally demanding.

2020 is the Largest Wildfire Season Reported in California History to Date

Raquel Raclette

And five of the 20 biggest wildfires recorded in the state occurred this year.

To Date, Over 14,800 Firefighters are Battling California’s Wildfires

Benjamin Kerensa

Some of the firefighters working hard to combat the fires are from out of state.

The Job of a Firefighter is More Difficult Than One Can Imagine

Matt Chesin

Especially in the midst of California’s current crisis, long hours, little sleep, and dangerous tasks make fighting fires a job that many aren’t prepared to take on.

A Two-Year-Old Golden Retriever is Trying to Make it Easier

Meet Kerith the Golden Retriever, a certified crisis response therapy dog.

Kerith is Helping Bring Comfort to Stressed Firefighters

The joyful pup is bringing peace and serenity to those fighting the Woodward Fire in Marin County in Northern California.

The Dog’s Caretaker is So Proud of Her

“Kerith is boosting morale during the crew’s morning briefing,” Heidi Carmen said. “She brings levity and a sense of playfulness even though they know the task of the day will be challenging.”

Originally, Kerith Was a Therapy Dog in the Emergency Department of a Local Hospital

Jake Espedido

But according to her owner, she has an especially big heart for firefighters.

And She Loves Giving Hugs!

Who can resist a hug from this sweet pooch?

Kerith’s Heart is as Gold as Her Fur

“She makes people feel loved, special and important. One firefighter told me ‘Kerith has the uncanny ability to make me feel like I am the most important person in the world.’”

You’ll be thrilled to meet this sweetheart of a pup!


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