Teenage Sisters Save Drowning Kids From Icy Waters

YouTube, Inside Edition

Some teenagers have a bad rep for being stubborn, but there are still young teens who can be responsible and very much reliable.

Two Sisters

YouTube, Inside Edition

15 and 17-year-olds Jasmine and Jacora are not your typical teenagers. They just saved two kids’ lives on what seemed to be just a normal day at home.

Casually Scrolling


The two sisters were in their room in their apartment in Des Moine, Iowa, watching TikTok videos when one of them looked out the window and saw two kids drowning in the water.

They Rushed Down


Jasmine and Jacora ran as fast as they could outside. Jasmine said, “I immediately screamed, ‘They’re drowning.’ And then, me and my sister, we ran downstairs… We were falling down the stairs to get back here.”

Cold Season

YouTube, Inside Edition

To make matters even worse, it was a cold season at that time, which meant that a huge part of the water was partially frozen.

They Went In


Jasmine and Jacora jumped into the icy water to save the drowning kids. The water was freezing, and one kid only had one finger above the surface. Jasmine said, “I’m numb. So, those kids, they’ve been in there longer than me. They’ve got to be numb.”

Help Came


After a while, medics arrived and they saw that the two kids were already out of the water and safe. They were all amazed by how the two teenagers saved the drowning kids’ lives.

They’re Heroes

YouTube, Inside Edition

Doug Harms, West Des Moines EMS Division Chief, said, “I was amazed. Not many children would drop what they’re doing – or adults – and just run out and wade into (the) water up to their shoulders to pull two other kids out.”

A Breath Of Relief

YouTube, Inside Edition

Jasmine recalled the triumphant moment after they’d gotten the kids out of the water. She said, “You could see the relief and the happiness that he was out of the water and both of them were safe.” The two sisters were happy with the outcome and everyone was thankful for their quick response.

Watch how Jasmine and Jacora became heroes in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Spotlight

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