Woman With Cancer Forms Close Bond With Dying Deer

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Sometimes we learn the most important lessons in life from the most unexpected people or animals.

Meet Dillie

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Dillie became a patient of a veterinarian named Melanie Butera.

Melanie Was Losing Hope


The veterinarian was diagnosed with cancer when she met the fawn, and little did she know that the deer would make a huge impact in her life.

Dillie’s Condition

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Dillie was a blind, dying baby deer when she came to Melanie’s clinic from a deer farm.

She Got Better

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The love and care that Melanie and her husband showered Dilie with helped the deer get better and recover 50% of her vision.

The Buteras Took Her In


Dille is not a wild deer and therefore could not be returned to the wild even though she’s already recovered her strength, so Melanie and her husband gladly took her in.

She’s Housebroken And Domesticated

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Dillie is potty-trained, knows how to turn the lights and water faucet on, and loves eating lollipops and ice cream. She even has her own bedroom in their house in Canal Fulton, Ohio.

Getting Strength From Each Another

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Melanie wrote books about her adventures with Dillie and the lessons she’s learned from her about the value of life and the love she’s found in her.

Making People Cry

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People on the internet are moved by the story of Dillie and Melanie, and they admit to crying after watching the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Reshareworthy

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