He Puts A Bag Of Ice On His Thermostat… The Reason? That’s BRILLIANT!

Ugh… winter. Uuuuuuuuugh… I used to love winter when I was a kid. But now that I’m all grown up and winter doesn’t just mean snowball fights and sleds, I’ve come to dread many aspects of this nerve-numbing season. How do I respond? I do my best to hibernate. Unfortunately, however, “work” and “life” get in the way of my hibernation. So that’s why the video below is so crucial to soften the blow of winter. [googlead]HouseholdHacker presents us with 10 tricks to save money and make our lives easier during these cold months. From manipulating a locked-down thermostat at the office to protecting your shoes, these hacks are pure genius! Personally, my favourite is the Vicks shower balm… awwwwwww, yeah!

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