Newborn Twins Console Each Other

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One child is a handful. Between diaper changes, tantrums, feedings, and everything that comes with raising a new baby, it might even seem like you’ve got not one, but two hands full at times! Managing your time and resources while balancing life and the intricacies …

Frog’s Belly Lights Up After He Eats His Dinner

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Frogs are seriously equal parts cool and equal parts strange. These adorable amphibians spend their lives straddling life on land and in water, hopping around between lily pads, trees and even showing up on homeowners’ windows when they least expect it. And, have you ever …

Dog Becomes Parent To 3 Newborn Ducklings

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In a world dominated by news that changes its tune every passing minute, it’s heartwarming to see a love that knows no boundaries. It’s an instinct so strong that it breaks through to be inclusive of other babies in need, and defies gender roles. This …