15-Year-Old Girl Catches 101-Pound Catfish

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This young lady broke records with her fishing skills – and she’s got some amazing photos to prove it! Meet Jaylynn Jaylynn Parker is a 15-year-old girl from Ohio who loves fishing. Usual Day One day, she and her family went jug fishing at a …

Wise Grandma Outsmarts Scammers Twice

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This grandma’s story serves as a powerful reminder that when your gut feeling tells you that something feels off, you should definitely listen to it. Meet Mabel Mabel Berald is a loving grandma who has dealt with scammers twice and was able to wittingly deal …

Pony With Overgrown Hooves Gets To Run Freely Again

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Sometimes the long road to recovery is so worth it, and this pony proves exactly that. Meet Stella Stella is a beautiful pony with overgrown hooves who lives with two other horses. They Were Neglected They belonged to an elderly couple who were not able …