10 DIY Hacks To Nail The Whole ‘Parenting’ Thing

If only life came with an instruction manual! So many times we’re left completely indecisive about the smallest of things and it evokes a feeling of anxiety, stress, and down-right uncomfortableness.

Having said that, imagine a time when you were unsure of something. It could be something minor, such as deciding what to eat for lunch or it could be something huge, like whether you should quit your job and travel the world. At the time, regardless of the issue, it seems like a pretty big choice to make.

Now take that indecisiveness, and feeling of being completely lost or unsure, and multiply it by a zillion. That’s essentially what it’s like being a parent every single moment of every day.

But luckily for us, the internet has made it a lot easier to be a new parent by sharing useful tips and tricks to nail the whole ‘parenting’ thing.

Here, 10 DIY hacks for new parents who, just like all of us, need a little helping hand now and again.

1. Colouring Box

Colouring and drawing are one of the most important ways for a child to express themselves. And when they’re young, they’re unable to know what is appropriate to draw on and what isn’t. Hence, the colouring box.

He or she can have their own little world in which to draw and colour until their heart is content—without messing up the walls!


Image source: Little Things

2. Old-Crib Craft Corner

There’s no need to throw out a perfectly good crib after your child has grown out of it. Instead, do an easy DIY job by removing one side and turning it into a little crafts table for your little one!


Image source: Little Things 

If you’ve been impressed by these DIY parenting hacks thus far, go over to the next page for some more interesting and ingenious ideas.

Story continues on next page...


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