animals Archive

Owl Scrunches Face To Sneeze

Let’s be honest, even for the non-germophobes out there, nobody likes it when someone sneezes near them or close to their food. It’s not uncommon to cringe when hearing someone else sneeze, even if they’re several feet away and covering their mouth. We all know …

Mom Finds Out Furry Insect Is Poisonous

Part of the fun about being a kid is picking up and playing with found objects! The sandbox is teeming with neat things to pick up and experiment with, like digging a big, deep hole and collecting rocks along the way. Or, playing in the …

Musical Cockatiel Serenades Baby

Pets are without a doubt a part of the family. They may not look like the rest of the members of the family with their brightly colored feathers or long, furry tail and big floppy ears, but they are loved and they belong. And, they …