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I adopted my first cat "Kazoo" when she was 1y/o. She turns 6 this month, and she just started fully trusting me this Feb. They take their own time, and we're just really lucky if they respond to our love in a positive way
YTA, 100%. Do you even give a **** what your daughter wants?! Major bad parent vibes coming from you. You're using your poor daughter as a really f**ked up social experiment for your own personal ridiculousness. You don't know what unconditional love is. Get a f*c*ing grip, before you lose your child completely. YTA, YTA, YTA!!!!
NTAH. She asked for an honest opinion and got exactly that. Bride doesn't sound like a good friend.Screw her.
NTJ!! Please, cut these people off. They'll cause you & your future wife nothing but heartache. Wishing you both lots of happiness!
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