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NTJ. Putting mail or anything in a mailbox if you're not a mailman is a federal offense or so I've heard.
NTJ. This is something I learned a long time ago. Never purchase anything upfront unless they pay you first. Never again will I have to fit the bill because somebody didn't pay me and decided not to go and leave me with the loss expense.
NTJ. Why are you finically supporting him/family, if this is the way you are treated? Your nephew is disrespectful and a homophobic jerk. Technically he is right it is his wedding go and support, but he is a jerk for not allowing a plus one. For me, I would not go and go very low contact with him and anyone else who is like him and quit being finically helpful.
NTJ. I was in a similar situation when I was a kid, I understand completely. Keep the door locked and she does not get to play with any of your things. Not Now, Not Ever!!! I am sorry your parents are not backing you up. (again, similar situation) She either needs to bring her own toys or just be bored, I guess.
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