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Nope, NTJ he's a loser and a mooch and he deserved it. Your sister doesn't have 4 kids, she has 5. He sounds exhausting.
At first, I was going to say she STJ for sounding materialistic and I was going to ask you to reconsider your relationship. After reading the rest, she doesn't just deserve a ring, she deserves and medal of honor. She put her life on hold and took care of you for free after only knowing you 6 months? It's the LEAST you could do to find her a beautiful ring that meets all of your needs. If you don't get this woman the ring she deserves and EARNED, YTJ.
YTJ. When you married this man, you took his daughter too. She is 4 years old and her world has been turned upside down, not once but twice. How is she supposed to feel accepted by you if she doesn't have her own space when she comes to visit? She's his daughter and deserves to feel love and respect in his home. Sould you have a baby later on, you can move your office or add on to your house. I cant stress enough how selfish you're being to this baby. Shame on you, calling his daughter a "guest."
Yup, YTJ. Miranda is right. She is under no obligation to help Alice. It's her money, her life, and it's nobody else's business but hers. Now, would it be great of her as a sister? Certainly. Should she be forced to? Absolutely not.
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