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Susan’s language and attitude is so telling. She’s annoyed her mom asked if she was going to settle down - something is going on there, either OP has pestered her daughter frequently to the point her daughter is sick of it, or Susan has a major attitude problem and is just a brat. Considering what’s next, I’m going with brat. She’s 29 acting 16, sounds like she never matured emotionally. Her saying her mom “forced” her to get pregnant is something a teen would say - “mom’s forcing me to go to dinner.” OP sounds like she’s got a good head and isn’t buying into her daughter’s manipulation. Since Susan is posting on socials that OP forced her to get pregnant and is refusing to help, I would have replied to EVERY comment “I wasn’t in the room, I didn’t force her to do anything. How she got pregnant had NOTHING to do with me, there was no “force” here.” I hope people come around and see OP’s side. I would worry that Susan would just up and leave her baby with OP, she obviously doesn’t want it.
ESH It sounds like you and your wife need to come to another agreement regarding bedtime/waking up. Your son is 6 and you admit he’s becoming more resistant to bedtimes. I’m wondering, did your wife see a shift and handled the situation without approval from you or are you just demanding that bedtime be done your way? It sounds like you had a good, successful bedtime routine until recently, and the change came from your son who is refusing to go to bed. If all your wife is doing is putting on a sleep story for him, how is she “playing” with him? Sleep stories have been proven to help people of all ages to fall asleep, why do you think apps like Calm are so successful? I think the bedtime routine should be what’s working best for your son, and right now that’s listening to an audiobook. I get the impression that you are very rigid in how you think bedtimes should always be, but they will change as the kid grows up and his needs change. Talk to your wife and have an actual discussion, don’t just ban her from visiting her son at night, this isn’t an argument you’re going to win. And to people saying you should just disrupt her mornings, being petty is only going to breed resentment amongst you and your wife. Try working on a bedtime that you all can agree on - and that doesn’t mean that you just cave to what she wants, it’s analyzing the situation and working on a solution.
I had to reread what OP wrote and I somehow missed the section where he is dictating that she can’t ever get cosmetic surgery of any kind. That’s totally messed up. He’s also unwilling to let her budget/save for her procedure, which is also effed up. I’m in the wrong here, the husband is definitely the AH.
NTJ they committed a crime then told OP that committing these crimes is normal for them, and admitted that they commit crimes by looking for things “anyone” could take, ie them. Definitely report them asap. N is not your friend, you owe her and her hoodlums nothing, except maybe a conversation with N’s mom if you know her (since N or another hoodlum has the audacity to call their mom to complain that someone yelled at them). Keep your distance from N and always, always lock your car. It’s pretty ballsy that they broke into your car while you were IN IT.
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