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Your comment only shows ignorance. You don't buy the dresses in the bridal shop. They're samples only. It wouldn't be the 1st time a bride puts on a smaller number just to check if she likes how it looks, even if she doesn't close the dress on the back. The bride will then order the correct number r. And no! The dress doesn't get ruined. OP is a condescending jerk.
OP is definitely the jerk. It doesn't matter that the dress is to small. You do not act condescending and say "we don't wanna be try squeezing you into it". That's rude and body shaming. Let her try and see for herself that it won't fit Additionally, the dresses in the shop are for brides to find the ones they want and order their size. The bride would have been fine with the back not closing. All she needed was to see if she likes the dress on herself.
Sorry but no. Not changing a diaper and not feeding has nothing to do with generations. I'm 50 and even my aunts, now in their 70s/80s would wake their newborns up every 3h to feed them.
Sorry but your reply is dumb too. Guide dogs have a special rigid harness and vests that clearly state it's a working guide dog or guide dog.
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