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NTJ but your friend clearly is. If she doesn't care enough about you to accommodate you since she's throwing you together with the man who abused you for years, she's not your friend and never really was. And don't be sad, because you dodged a bullet the size of an ICBM. Don't give her another thought.
Further proof that no good deed goes unpunished. You gifted your nephew with a car you told him needed work, and your @$$hole brother wants YOU to pay the repair bill, blithely ignoring the fact that you GAVE his son a car? Yeah, no. Honestly, nephew sounds just as entitled as his dad - that apple didn't fall far from the tree - and I would make them both happy. I would go pay the bill, pick up the car, and tell nephew that sorry, you're not getting it because you didn't pay for it. And go sell it and do something nice for yourself with the money. Is it harsh? Yes. Does the nephew need the lesson? Yes. Are they going to hate you whether or not you pay for the car? Yes. Best of luck.
NTJ. But do please dump your jerk of a partner and his presumptuous parents. THEY thought THEY could decide for YOU where and in what YOU were going to live and how much YOU were going to pay for it, did they? Looks like YOU are free to do whatever you like because unlike your coddled partner, YOU pay YOUR way in order to do what YOU want to do. Brava, girl. That's a wonderful thing, to be a young woman beholden to no one because you do what you have to, to have what you want. Been there done that, and with zero regrets. I applaud your independence and ambition and know you will turn your house into the home of your dreams. Wishing you all the best.
NTJ but you're an adult - GET OUT!
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