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My ex-husband's 4 neices have the same middle name. His sisters do not. Neither did his aunts or his mother. It's not a family name (until it became the oldest neice's name, no one else in the family had it). No clue why they did it either (I asked, but they didn't really have a reason lol). And they didn't do it with the boys. When our daughter was born, he admitted he didn't want her to have the same middle name as the others, which I was going to ask if he minded if we chose a different middle name. She's an adult now & she's very happy to have "her own" middle name.
If this is new behaviour for her, she might be pregnant.
Report her, especially since she's using her work email to continue harassing you. If this is her first offense, she'll likely get a warning to cease & desist. If it isn't, then she might be terminated from her position. That's not on you. That's on her. She's creating a hostile work environment for you & it's very likely she's doing this to others. And she knows that being a single parent is her "get out of jail free" card because people would feel bad if she's fired.
"Why were you in my bedroom?" That's all you need to comment on her post. If someone questions it, then mention you had a life-size Dwayne Johnson cutout in your bedroom & it was put there to keep it out of the way while you had company over. Don't get into why you bought it. Just point out she never would've seen it, or gotten hurt from being startled, if she'd respected your privacy & stayed out of your bedroom. Let her then try to explain that to all her judgy friends.
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