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NTA but he even said to OP that he shrugged her feeling of being lied to off by saying it’s obvious that they got the birthday gift for me as a goodwill gesture for borrowing the vehicle, and I was the jerk for making sure they weren’t able to, but still taking the gift. So this is how little he thinks of OP. Had something happened & they crashed she would have to report the car stolen or risk losing her house because of these brats.
Definitely find an attorney. You have rights and they don't. YNTJ & had every right to put him in his place
You most certainly do not need anyone's permission to do anything. Tell your sisters to mind their own business. Your cousin is immature, entitled, and a brat. If you don't want to go because you don't want to then don't. But don't let the reason be because of how your cousin will feel.
They want to bury the remains. This can actually be done at a later date, it isn't imperative to do it immediately.
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