Metaspoon User


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NTJ. Someone asking for a favour doesn't get to dictate how the favour is done, or abuse the doer. I'd call her not talking to you for a year a bonus!
Sell them on ebay or vinted and use the money to buy things you like - I buy brands on there that I'd never buy new (far too expensive), so someone will want them.
Dump him. And for the next month, every time you do something where he would have asked you for money, put half that amount into your savings. Stop being his ATM and look after your own finances. You will only be TJ if you stick with this freeloader
Cut fruit should be in the fridge so NTA. I make one teabag do two cups, so I leave it on a little holder thing in between cups. But I drink lots of tea so they're never there for more than a couple of hours!
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