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Its good you kicked them out and you're an awesome husband. You really are taking a lot of the stress off of your wife! Her family sounds like a menace. Not good when you just had kids.
The only way I'd even consider changing the dat is if thry paid me allxthe money I'd be losing to do so.
I can't even believe you would ask if you're the jerk. I know you need to see it for yourself and maybe you are just used to being treated this way but your husband is kinda a prick. I mean, my boyfriend would even agree so it's not jist comong from a woman's perspective. He doesn't care about you or look at you as an equal in the partnership. Not every person who babysits is careless. Besides the fact that it's your brother, you should be allowed to go. If he doesn't even consider that an option i would seriously start taking a new look at my marriage and see if it's worth continuing, because honestly that's not the example id want to set for my kids. I wouldn't want my son or daughter to think that the woman has no choice or power in the relationship. I'm sure this isn't the only incident lile this and maybe he's nice in other ways, but he certainly doesn't put your wants or needs before his own. Also, if he goes to the wedding and leaves you with the kids then he's guilty of all the stuff he's blaming you for and he's being selfish.
This is actually true. My ex bfs friends pranked him one night by putting nair on his legs and he has whole patches that won't grow back.
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