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Ntj, 12 is plenty old enough not to go in your room. Who lets their child bring slime into someone else home?
Ytj. Autism significantly impacts siblings. By not telling your other child he is not able to figure out when to be empathetic and when to be mad. Many behaviors of autism out of context appear to be rude, selfish, or even jerky. So Connor probably thinks that his brother is the golden child because you no doubt accommodated his behaviors over the years. Don't be surprised when Coonor goes NC with you and his brother as an adult and works on building a family he can trust.
Ntj. Unfortunately, boys choose the friend zone so they can stay close and keep trying. Honestly, if a boy shows interest then you probably aren't going to ever just be friends. But we are the bad guy when they get tired of waiting.
Ntj, but you need to move back to your own place. The kids are too young to live with this dynamic working as roommates.
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