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If he wants you to pay half the bills, he better be prepared to do half the housework, child care, cooking, and shopping.
If she must behave differently than everyone else there treat her that way. Tell her she must call every single person who works there Mr. so and so. Mrs. so and so. If she wants to keep it formal, keep it formal. Bet she stops pretty quickly.
NTJ This is the classic story of the boy who cried wolf. I wouldn't have believed him either. I agree with some of the other posters. I don't think he was really sick. I think he got himself worked up and made himself sick. Time to put an end to this crap.
It's none of his business who you go out with. You do what makes you happy. I have never understood how some people feel that their s*******y is their entire personality. This is his problem to work through. NTJ
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