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My best friend in elementary school was type 1 and was diagnosed at close to the same age. She came to sleepovers often when we were in our early teens and younger. And this was long before cell phones other such technology. Your mom's concern is understandable but she does need to cut the apron strings.
One of my very best friends got married on the beach. She had asked me to make some calls for her b/c I was working a job that allowed me to make personal calls and she wasn't. One of the calls I made for her was to the town where she wanted to get married to make sure they allowed it. After the person told me they did, she made sure to add that we could NOT ask other people to move out of our way at all. We even ended up with strangers joining us in the pavilion during the ceremony. It's a public space and YTJ.
Not only that but if she had just had a miscarriage, a pregnancy test would still come up positive.
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