People Ask Us To Thoughtfully Review Their "Am I The Jerk" Stories

People who just consider their own interests and act without considering the potential repercussions of their actions are known as jerks. If they upset someone or sour a friendship, it doesn't matter to them. But more often than not, others don't want to be near them due to their confrontational attitude, which might make. Now, the people down below are asking if our opinions align with those of the people who have already made judgments on them. Which of the following do you believe to be a jerk after reading their stories? AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

22 . AITJ For Refusing To Pick My Uncle Up For Thanksgiving?

"I have to work until Wednesday night. It's non-negotiable with my work.

Then I drive about 6 hours to visit my family. Getting there about midnight on Thursday.

My mom and grandma volunteered me to pick up my uncle at an airport that’s two hours in the other direction. So now making my drive 8 hours and he gets in at 3 pm so I'm inconveniencing 'him' by waiting for me to get off work.

My uncle chose this airport because it was cheaper to fly into.

Everyone acts like I can just hop over there and pick him up. No worries. I just found this out yesterday even tho he bought these tickets months in advance. Work has been stupid rough recently because we are understaffed and I can’t seem to catch up.

Leaving on time Wednesday was already a hassle and I needed some wriggle room just for me to get things together.

Now my mom and grandma act like I can take my luggage and head to pick my uncle up directly from work because he’ll be waiting on me.

I finally told them 'Oh, that sucks because I wasn’t actually able to make it to Thanksgiving this year' after they asked me. I’m working early Friday (I might actually do it now because, hey overtime).

The problem is now my uncle is now stuck 8 hours away from my grandma on Wednesday and he has to rent a car last minute.

He doesn’t have the extra money that’s why he flew into the cheaper airport.

My mom asked if I could still pick him up and maybe meet my cousin (his son) halfway and I said I didn’t know my schedule and halfway is still an 8-hour round trip.

The whole family is mad at me for leaving my uncle abandoned but I feel like it’s not my problem and I never told him to fly into an airport 2 hours in the opposite direction from me and 8 hours from my grandma. This seems like poor planning on his part and no one asked if it was ok with me since I was the closest family member to him.

I’ve now been labeled as ruining everyone's Thanksgiving because everyone has to make other plans to get my uncle since I’m not bothering to help out or pick him up. Now to the point that I’m not even going to show up."

Another User Comments:

"NTJ and may I add good for you for saying no.

'I just found this out yesterday even tho he bought these tickets months in advance'. If you weren't sure how little they were considering you at least this leaves no doubt.

'The whole family is mad at me for leaving my uncle abandoned'. The audacity. If they're so concerned why don't they all chip in to pay for the car rental? This year, be thankful that you stood up for yourself and maybe now your family will think twice before thinking they can dispose of your time as they want.

'Now to the point that I’m not even going to show up.' As a mom that is enraging me. My house is my kids' house and I am making sure it's a place where they'll always feel safe, loved, and welcomed. This is not on you OP.

They're the ones failing you." Timely_Proposal_1821

Another User Comments:

"NTJ, they made their plans without the courtesy of telling you that they had booked you in to pick up the slack of everyone else. Not your monkeys, not your circus. Put you and your wishes first, it sounds like you work really hard.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving as you choose." TheNinjaPixie