People Want Our Verdict For Their Wild "Am I The Jerk?" Stories

It's crazy how a small situation can get blown out of proportion and become a huge fiasco. One minute, you're just minding your own business when your mother-in-law makes a snarky comment, leading you to say something snarky back. Next thing you know, it's World War 3, and just about everyone is against you. When these moments happen, you might think to yourself, "Should I have reacted differently?" You might keep replaying it over and over in your head, but nothing will allow you to go back in time to "fix" or change what already happened. As much as it sucks, perhaps there's still an opportunity to redeem yourself going forward. Do you know that crappy feeling? Perhaps you can help out the people below in their own situations. They want your verdict: were they a jerk? Your comments can make a huge impact! AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

18 . AITJ For Kicking Out My Aunt And Her Family When They Visited For The Holidays?

"Both my parents live with me. My aunt (my dad's sister) and her husband visited us for the holidays.

For whatever reason, they've never liked my mom or me. They tell my dad stuff like, "You could've done so much better than her (talking about my mom)" or "It's a shame he (me) turned out like this."

They don't say it in front of us obviously, but I've overheard them saying stuff like that several times throughout the years.

When they were staying with us, I was doing some home repairs in the attic, and my aunt thought she was alone in the house.

I overheard her saying, "This house is a mess, I can't believe he ended up with a bunch of disgusting people living in their own filth."

Meanwhile, the house was spotless. I was just doing some repairs to the AC unit, so I had some tools around the ladder where I went up into the attic.

I heard this and immediately barged into her room and put all her stuff back in her suitcase. Put his stuff in his suitcase. Put everything outside by their rental car and told them they were no longer welcome in my home, kicked her out, and locked the door.

She obviously cussed me out, her husband cussed me out when he found out, and then all of her children started calling/texting me with some choice words.

AITJ here?"

Another User Comments:

"Yeah, such a shame that he ended up with a son who is not only able but willing to have his parents live in their house!

Her having flown to visit is irrelevant - getting put out was a direct consequence of her own disrespectful action. You do NOT need to tolerate that in your home. They can stay in a hotel and your father can go visit with them, though I would hope he wouldn't want to.
NTJ." wtshiz

Another User Comments:

"NTJ. The dislike from your aunt, uncle, and cousins will never change. So block them all and treat them like non-family.

I speak from experience, our uncle (Dad's brother) disliked our mother, and us (me and siblings). The reason for why they considered us beneath them is because we have black in our DNA; our family is Hispanic.

The thing is our mother's grandmother (great-grandmother) was a full-blood Aztec Indian from Mexico, our grandmother had Indian features, our mother did too, and some of our features resemble our grandmother; siblings and I are light-skinned. However, to our uncle and cousins, we are black and despise us.
Cousins and their children have continued with their hate to present day. Our parents, uncle, and aunt have all passed away. The ironic thing is when our paternal great-grandparents with our paternal grandparents came to Texas from Mexico, our paternal great-grandfather was listed as black.
Paperwork is from 1904. My maternal grandparents came to Texas from Mexico in the early 1920s. Maternal grandfather had white skin and blue eyes, and my maternal grandmother had brown eyes and black hair, Native American looks.

Sorry for the long rant, just wanted to make the point that your aunt, uncle, and cousins will always be hateful.

Go NC and remove yourself from their toxic ways. As for your dad, he can visit them, but don't allow his family back in your and your mom's presence. We never interact with my uncle's family at all, yet they constantly insult and criticize us still.
Word gets back to us, and all I say is that it has been years since I have seen or spoken to them, yet toxic family speaks as though it was yesterday we had seen them." [deleted]

Another User Comments:

"NTJ. But it probably would have been better to have talked to them first and told them you heard them, and if they felt that way, they could leave and not be welcomed back.

That said, I'm not sure I'd have been clear-headed enough to do it that way myself." Witty_Salamander7110