People Insist That Their Reasons Are Worth Hearing Through Their "Am I The Jerk" Stories

We might just choose to remain silent and let people think whatever they want about us when we hear negative things about ourselves and we don't want to get into pointless debates. We know it's not fair that we're the ones who were wronged yet we're also the ones who were called jerks in the end, but when we reach the end of our patience, and we realize we don't want to tolerate people who spread false accusations about us, we may become a little harsh in confronting them, which may cause us to be called "jerks." Here are some stories from people who want us to identify the real jerks for them. Read on and let us know who you think the real jerk is. AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

19 . AITJ For Not Letting My Sister Hold My Baby?


"I (20f) had a baby four months ago and obviously all my family was incredibly excited since he’s the first nephew/grandchild.

I have eight siblings so he has plenty of aunts and uncles to love on him.

Well, we’ve visited my family a few times since his birth and the oldest of my sisters (I’ll refer to her as Sis) has always been a 'baby hog' so she was the first to hold him.

We recently had a party at my parents' house for friends and extended family to meet my son. During the party, Sis wouldn’t let anyone else hold him. At one point I couldn’t find either of them for over an hour and it turned out she had locked herself in my parents' bedroom with my son.

Then I found out that the whole time she was holding him she was sick with some sort of cough (she thought it might be strep or bronchitis). I was furious and told Sis that if she can’t respect my son’s safety and my boundaries, she won’t be allowed to hold him anymore.

Now, whenever I visit she follows me around begging to take a turn holding him and telling me that 'this is the only way I can be happy'. (She is currently pregnant and miserable.) She has started complaining to my family about how unfair I am being by not letting her bond with her nephew.

Everyone except our mom, who has refused to take sides, agrees with her and says I should let it go.

Am I overreacting?"

Another User Comments:

"NTJ. Locking yourself in a room with someone else's baby is bizarre and unhealthy behavior. Doing it while you are sick is doubly so.

She isn't pregnant and miserable, she's pregnant and likely suffering from a mental illness that needs treatment.

Your sister needs to talk to a therapist or psychiatrist about her feelings and behavior. You may not be the one to recommend that, but someone in her trusted orbit needs to make sure she has the support she needs before and after she has a baby." foursevens

Another User Comments:

"God no. She disappeared for an HOUR with your child without saying one word to anyone and had LOCKED herself and your child in the room. This is inexcusable even if she WASN’T sick. Your child is not her emotional support animal. And it’s incredibly disturbing that she says holding your child is the only thing that makes her happy.

Also, she doesn’t NEED to bond with your baby. The only people who need to bond with your baby are you and the baby’s father. She needs a timeout, and so do all of the people who are persisting in harassing you. Having a four-month-old is stressful enough without someone who clearly needs mental help constantly whining about not being able to hide your child from you.
NTJ." smartiesmouth

Another User Comments:

"NTJ. She has clearly demonstrated that she values her own wants and comfort above the safety and well-being of your baby if she's locking herself away to hold him for ages while she's sick. I wouldn't let her hold him either after that without supervision (so she doesn't hide the baby like a maniac), a temperature check, and making sure any other healthy person who wants to love on the little guy for a bit has had a turn.

Holding the baby is a privilege, not a right. Even visiting is a privilege, and nobody should visit a family with a baby when they know they're sick." gluevah