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AITJ For Exposing My Sister To The Guy She's Seeing?
9 months ago
NTJ and next time just call the police and tell them you've been robbed. Don't tell your mom beforehand because she'll try to talk you out of it. Just call them and let everyone deal with the fallout as it happens. Then they will finally leave your stuff alone cuz they know you aren't playing. You're sister sounds like a selfish entitled doof. She needs to grow tf up
You suck
NTJ and you should still use the name. What harm is there in two people having the same name? And the best part is, when they grow up and ask why they have the same name, you can tell them how stupid and shifty your brother and SIL are for stealing a name from you. And I'm a HunterxHunter fan myself and plan on naming my future son Killuah so I feel you on that. Lumi is a gorgeous name and they're petty AWFUL people for doing that. That's so scummy of them. There are literally MILLIONS of madness to choose from. They stole your idea and hoped to force you to change it. Don't let them do it. Stick to your baby name and let them cry about it later. That's their own jerk fault.
NTJ if it was that important she shouldn't have taken it out there
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