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NTJ, but some food for thought considering they don't know if the baby is a girl or boy from the sounds of it, is he going to be the type to lose it if it's a girl? He seems overly concerned about a boys name. Is he going to be less of a father to the baby if it is a little girl? More food for thought, he considers a "girl sounding" name as disgusting and horrible for a boy to the point of being a huge angry jerk about it. That a name he considers a feminine name is so horrible because people may assume the person is female instead of male. That that is the worst thing, an atrocity even, that could happen to a boy or man. Does he think so lowly of women and girls that he feels so strongly about a feminine sounding name for a boy is practically life ending? Homeboy needs some serious therapy and SIL really needs to take note of all of this and do some major soul searching about this relationship and potentially having any more kids with this guy because he sounds so toxic with his fragile masculinity that im worried for SIL and their child.
I agree with another response, your mother is a narcissist and is gaslighting you. Think about other past events between you two and read up on narcissism. It took me a bit to finally see it but when I'd did...it went all the way back to my childhood. So yourself a favor, cut mom off. She will always be cruel and gaslight you into thinking she is the victim. I promise, once you work through it all and begin healing, your life will be a lot less stressful and much happier and more successful. Not only did I not invite my mom to my wedding, I don't even know if she knows I'm married unless either of my brothers told her. Take care of yourself and don't let her ruin your dream dress and your special day. Congratulations!
For the love of all things.... PLEASE get out of that house and cut contact with them both and go to therapy to heal from it all. What your mom is doing to you is endangerment, and at the LEAST emotional manipulation and abuse. It doesn't matter if she has problems or issues. It is up her to get help and to keep you safe. When you decide to take the stance of keeping yourself safe and your mental health safe by cutting him out, she gets mad and verbally attacks you and tries to manipulate you into changing your mind. If you can stay with your grandparents until you can get out on your own, that would be best. Cut them both off.
STOP!!!!! You are shy and have trouble making friends. He knows this....HE IS WORKING ON ALIENATING YOU UNTIL HE IS ALL YOU HAVE...RUN FAR AWAY FROM HIM NOW!!!!!! As a survivor of a relationship like this, you can't fix him, you can't make it better, and he will never be happy and will at some point get comfortable enough to begin physically hurting you. Keep your friends ..dump him right away. You deserve so much better
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